If you have a fixed-rate home mortgage, you pay the exact same amount each month. But did you know that the amount of principal you pay toward the balance of your loan changes from month to month? This is called amortization and it is a method of distribu
May 08, 2019 | Credit Interest Rates
Last week’s economic news brought good news to U.S. consumers on several fronts. Mortgage rates fell and national unemployment fell to its lowest rate in 50 years. Inflation slowed and the Federal Reserve held its target federal funds rate steady.
May 07, 2019 |
Real estate investors sometimes get stuck in a rut. They repeat the same type of investment that they did before. This is not necessarily a bad thing because a successful experience is worth repeating. However, it is also a good idea to occasionally take
May 04, 2019 |
The meeting of the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee ended Wednesday with the Committee’s customary post-meeting statement recapping monetary policy matters considered by the Committee. Members voted not to change the current ta
May 03, 2019 |
You have lots of choices when it comes to choosing a real estate agent. Aside from deciding if you’d prefer to work with a man or woman, and what age range you’d like them to be, here are some tips to help ensure that you pick one that is bes
May 02, 2019 |
Earth Day is celebrated each year in April to remind us all of the benefits of ecologically-sound living that is more in harmony with Mother Earth. There is quite a bit of positive news when it comes to going “green.” There are significant be
May 01, 2019 |