Burdensome student loan debt and a penchant for purchasing new electronics by 20- and 30-somethings can make saving up for a down payment on a home seem impossible. But Millennials and other potential home buyers may be surprised to discover that previou
Sep 12, 2018 |
In order to achieve the dream of homeownership, many buyers look for creative financing to aid them in their quest. One such option is a piggyback mortgage, which actually involves taking out two separate loans to make homeownership more affordable. These
Sep 12, 2018 | First-time Homebuyers Conventional Loans Preapproval Purchasing a Home
Last week’s economic news included readings on construction spending, along with public and private-sector jobs growth. The national unemployment rate, weekly reports on mortgage rates and new jobless claims were also released. Construction Spendin
Sep 11, 2018 |
Downsizing at any stage of life can offer multiple benefits. Less square footage may come with a smaller price tag and usually means less space to clean. However, when downsizing a home, there’s usually the question of what to do with everything. T
Sep 08, 2018 |
Securing the best conventional mortgage rate possible can pose a challenge for even veteran property buyers. Your mortgage rate will be determined by a variety of factors that pertain to your unique financial portfolio as well as economic forces. While n
Sep 07, 2018 |
If you are reading this article, it’s entirely possible that you are considering buying a home. It’s also likely that you are weighing certain financial options between a sizable down payment or taking on the expense of mortgage insurance. It
Sep 06, 2018 |